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AGEE Dashboards

In this section of the website, you can find examples of our ongoing work creating AGEE dashboards.

AGEE Dashboards are an innovative and more comprehensive measurement framework for gender equality in education. They provide insight into the multifaceted nature of educational inequalities, and offer a starting point for reflection, discussion, action and transformation. Using an AGEE dashboard can be a new and important tool for accountability and can help inform more tailored, appropriate policy responses.

AGEE dashboards can be developed and used at a number of different levels (cross-national, national, institutional, local, neighbourhood and project level, or with displaced populations). AGEE Dashboards illustrate and show areas where there are gender inequalities in education and where they are being overcome. They allow you to explore in one place data from different sources, that are often held and analysed separately.

In addition to enhancing our understanding of data for gender equality in education, the process of creating a dashboard will reveal gaps in data, and prompts us to ask questions about these gaps: for example, helping to identify ‘low hanging fruit’, where a small change or investment could yield additional useful data, and prompting further thinking about what else we could or should measure.

Currently featured in this section are:

  • A Technical Note to accompany the Spotlight briefs, with further information on each indicator and explanations of how to read the AGEE dashboard graphs